Simulation of the development of asset value and projected goal achievement

Prosperio simulates the potential development of your assets and accordingly predicts the probability of your defined financial goals.

For the simulation of the development of your asset value, the system considers the information on your advisory assets, self-managed assets, credits, future savings and financial goals. Regarding your future savings, the simulation assumes that they will be invested in the same way as your advisory assets are. Furthermore, adjustments to the simulation will occur driven by a rebalancing process taking place every 6 months. This process leads to an adjustment of your advisory assets back to the original asset allocation.

The simulation considers transaction fees (ranging between 0% and 0.25%) and management fees of investment products such as ETFs and funds (ranging between 0.15% and 1.6%). The Simulation calculates with the fees that would be incurred in when using Prosperio’s partner bank. Prosperio also considers capital gain tax, solidarity surcharge and church tax to calculate the net return. The return estimates used in the simulation are based on economic data and historical data of each individual asset class.

development of net assets

The graph shows the 5% worst result (bottom line), the median result (dashed line) and the 75% best result (top line) of the simulation.

Prosperio does not guarantee that the development of the asset value will follow the course of the simulation. Prosperio does not guarantee future performance and Prosperio does not guarantee the projected probability of goal achievement.